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Our publications have been grouped bythe service areas.



The Evaluation of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC)’s Capacity Strengthening Programme: The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Report (2013)

USAID/NAMIBIA Gender Assessment (2012)

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in Zambia: OECD. (2010).

Global Joint Evaluation of the UNDG Contribution to the Implementation of the First Phase of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. (2008)

The Evaluation of the First Phase of the Paris Declaration in South Africa: (2008)

Assessment of Development Results for Botswana OECD: Evaluation of the UNDP Contribution (2008)
Evaluation of the Gender Policy Implementation in UNICEF (2007)

Capacity Building for the Management of the HIV/AIDS Response: End of Project Cycle Evaluation (2007)

HIV/AIDS Outreach Programme in Southern Africa. Social Transformation and Empowerment Projects (STEPS) and International Video fair (IVF) Programmes: Department for Africa (2006)

UNDP Outcome Evaluation on HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. (2004)

Sexual Rights and Access to Treatment among HIV positive women in Zimbabwe; A Situational Analysis: Zimbabwe Women Resource Centre and Network
(ZWRCN) (2007)

Situational Analysis of the Gender Gaps in the Agricultural Sector in Zimbabwe: ZWRCN (2007)

Government, NGOs and International Donor Agencies Initiatives in the provision of Basic Education to rural women in Zimbabwe: systematic Collaboration or Separate Involvement? Lessons of Experience. IDS; UZ. (2006)

National Review of the Community Home Based Care and Access to Treatment Services in Zimbabwe (2006)

Grandmother and Orphan Care in Zimbabwe: SAfAIDS, Harare. (2004)

Mass Orphan hood in the era of HIV/AIDS: Bold Support for Alleviation of poverty and education may avert a social disaster”: The British Journal of Medicine (BMJ) pp 185 & 186 (2002)

Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes in Zimbabwe: Their Impact on the gender dimensions of the urban informal sector in Harare. (2000)

Macroeconomic Policies and their impact on health in Zimbabwe in the 1980s and 1990s: An Analysis of the prevalence of diarrhoea, malnutrition, maternal mortality and access to health services (2000)

Gender Sensitive Irrigation Design: Consultation on Gender Issues in smallholder irrigation. Report OD 143 (Part 6): HR Wallingford; DfID (1999)

Gender issues in STIs/HIV/AIDS prevention and control: the case of four private sector organisations in Zimbabwe; African Journal of Reproductive Health. Volume 3. No.2. (1999)

The gender dimension of Urban Poverty: the case of Tafara. Institute of Development Studies (IDS); University of Zimbabwe (UZ): Harare (1997)

The gender dimension of Urban Poverty: the case of Dzivarasekwa. Institute of Development Studies (IDS); University of Zimbabwe (UZ): Harare. (1997)

“I am hungry Mum!” gender, urban food security and coping strategies: Southern African Feminist Review (SAFERE) (1996)

Drought Management, the Economy, and NGO responses in Zimbabwe: the 1997/1998 experience: UNDP Zimbabwe; Harare.

Gender and Development
USAID/NAMIBIA Gender Assessment (2012)

Evaluation of the Gender Policy Implementation in UNICEF. (2007)

Sexual Rights and Access to Treatment among HIV positive women in Zimbabwe; A Situational Analysis: Zimbabwe Women Resource Centre and Network
(ZWRCN) (2007)

Situational Analysis of the Gender Gaps in the Agricultural Sector in Zimbabwe: ZWRCN (2007)

Government, NGOs and International Donor Agencies Initiatives in the provision of Basic Education to rural women in Zimbabwe: systematic Collaboration or Separate Involvement? Lessons of Experience. IDS; UZ. (2006)

Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes in Zimbabwe: Their Impact on the gender dimensions of the urban informal sector in Harare. (2000)

Gender issues in STIs/HIV/AIDS prevention and control: the case of four private sector organisations in Zimbabwe; African Journal of Reproductive Health. Volume 3. No.2. (1999)

Gender Sensitive Irrigation Design: Consultation on Gender Issues in smallholder irrigation. Report OD 143 (Part 6): HR Wallingford; DfID. (1999)

The gender dimension of Urban Poverty: the case of Tafara. Institute of Development Studies (IDS); University of Zimbabwe (UZ): Harare (1997)

The gender dimension of Urban Poverty: the case of Dzivarasekwa. Institute of Development Studies (IDS); University of Zimbabwe (UZ): Harare (1997)

“I am hungry Mum!” gender, urban food security and coping strategies: Southern African Feminist Review (SAFERE) (1996)

Results Based Strategy Development

The National HIV and AIDS Framework (NSF) for the Gambia: (2010)
The National HIV and AIDS Framework (NSF) for the Swaziland (2009)

Institutional Capacity Strengthening

Capacity Building for the Management of the HIV/AIDS Response: End of Project Cycle Examination (2007)

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