by primson | Dec 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Primson Management Services (PMS) scooped 4 wards at the 2023 SMEAZ Local Legends Awards Ceremony, among the awards we received were the Transition Awards from Small Sized to Medium Sized Enterprise; First Place winner in the Small enterprise of the year category; First place winner in in the Exporting category; and First place winner in the Consultancy Sector category.

The Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Zimbabwe (SMEAZ) Local Legends Awards recognize efforts made by entrepreneurs in forming and growing their businesses. Awards are given to members who would have excelled in specific aspects of growing their businesses. This year’s event was held on Thursday 30th November at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Harare. It was be held under the theme: “Success through Adversity”. Mr Mucha Mkanganwi of The Pulse Group also delivered a keynote address at this year’s Awards Ceremony.

“This year’s theme seeks to highlight the importance of maintaining focus and drive towards growth, even under adverse circumstances whilst operating in an uncertain microeconomic environment”, said Mr Farai Mutambanengwe, the Executive Officer at SMEAZ. The award ceremony was not only a platform to acknowledge the effort of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from different sectors but to also provide a platform for networking and celebrating the growth of their businesses over the past year.

by primson | Nov 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
On the 9th of November 2023, Primson Management Services, (PMS) participated in a Dialogue session on gender equality in the national food system, co-hosted by UN Women and UNOPS. The panel included key representatives from various sectors of the agricultural value chain, such as Constance Pepukai, (Deputy Country Representative for FAO), Clement Mhlanga, (UNOPS Country Director), Loveness Makonese, (UN Women Deputy Country Representative), Olga Nhari, (Founder and CEO of Women in Agriculture Union), Sharon Mamutse (Group Sales Executive at National Foods Limited Zimbabwe), and the guest of honor, Professor Obert Jiri (Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development).

The session focused on supporting women food producers and promoting gender equality in the food industry. Professor Jiri acknowledged the challenges faced by rural women regarding land tenure and conflicts with mining activities. He assured the attendees that his ministry was taking responsibility for addressing these issues and that the Mines and Minerals Act was currently being reviewed.
The event concluded on a positive note, with commitments from FAO, Women in Agriculture, the government of Zimbabwe, and National Foods Limited to strengthen women’s capacities within the national food system. During the session, PMS identified several key takeaways, including the need to protect women from the constraints of patriarchal societies, particularly in rural areas where access to land is limited, supporting women with agricultural inputs, and ensuring better prices for small grains women producers. The session provided a platform to discuss challenges, propose solutions, and outline a path toward closing the gender gap and empowering women in the food industry.

This is crucial to bridge the gender gap in the national food industry. As we come to the end of the year at PMS, we are excited to continue championing this cause through our research, gender audits, and evaluations (Baseline, Midline, and Endline). Being a prominent player in gender research, audits, and evaluations, PMS feels honored to have participated in this high-level engagement.
by primson | Dec 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
Primson Management Services (PMS) was the first runner-up in the Export Development Category the at the 2022 edition of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Zimbabwe (SMEAZ) Local Legends Awards.
The awards recognize efforts made by entrepreneurs in forming and growing their businesses. Awards are given to members who would have excelled in specific aspects of growing their businesses. This year’s event was held on Thursday 1 December 2022 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare. It was be held under the theme: “Growth & Acceleration Under Uncertainty – Embracing Digital Transformation”.
“This theme seeks to highlight the importance of maintaining focus and drive towards growth, even under adverse circumstances, and the central role of digitalization in achieving such growth.” said Mr Farai Mutambanengwe, the Executive Officer at SMEAZ.
The award ceremony was not only a platform to acknowledge the effort of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from different sectors but to also provide a platform for networking and celebrating the growth of their businesses over the pas year.

by primson | Aug 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Board, Management and Staff at Primson Management Services (Pvt) Ltd would like to extend its congratulations to our Operations Manager Eng. Simukai Matshalaga-Sibanda on her Board Appointment as Corporate Members Representative for The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers. We wish her all the best in this new challenge and we are confident in her capacity to excel.

by primson | Jun 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Primson Management Services presented the final evaluation of the CAZCOM programme. The project was in line with Zimbabwe’s national strategies and aims to strengthen the country’s agriculture and food security. The project was implemented by CIRAD Zimbabwe in cooperation with IRD, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Zimbabwe, and Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) of the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement. The highlights of the evaluation were presented by our Executive Director at the French Embassy on June 3, 2021.
by primson | Jun 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
In the week of 31 May 2021, our Executive Director, participated in an induction workshop on disability inclusion, organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at Cresta, Zimbabwe. The Team Leader for the National Situation Analysis on Persons with Disabilities in Zimbabwe was also in attendance. The project is dedicated to accelerating the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) ratified by Zimbabwe in 2013. Knowledge of the provisions of the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was strengthened.