Evaluation Service


We provide services in project or programme managements to include: Baseline Surveys; Mid Term Evaluations and End Term Evaluations.  We also conduct formative evaluations.

With Result Based Management (RBM) planning and programming, taking centre stage in human development, the value of evaluating progress on achievement of project and programme results becomes, particularly important. Primson Management Services (PMS) is a front runner in providing various levels of evaluation services at global, regional and national levels. Primson Management Services provides for a range of services including; conducting Annual Reviews, Mid Term Review (MTR), Formative Evaluations and End of Term Project Evaluations. In light of results based monitoring, Primson evaluates at different results levels which include, output assessments, outcome evaluation and impact evaluations. Based on a long standing experience, Primson is noted as an expert in providing evaluation services to UNDP and other UN programmes and projects which include; United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the Country Programme of Action (CPAP), Country Programme (CP), and projects in HIV and AIDS, Governance, Gender and Development and Aid Effectiveness. Primson has already developed both a conceptual and analytic framework for UN evaluations and for other development partners, taking into perspective of the intricacies of the agencies. However, the experience in evaluations goes beyond United Nations (UN), to include evaluations for donors, humanitarian agencies, civil society, government and quasi-government institutions.

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