Strategy Development

Strategy Development
We have expertise in development of strategies at national levels and for institutions. We complement strategy development with the development of Costed Action Plans to bring meaning into the strategies.
Primson Management Services believes that the foundation of good programme interventions is a solid strategy (national and organizational) that is framed from a result-based perspective. Primson prides itself in providing excellent services in the development of outcome-oriented strategies. The Firm has extensive experience in the development of results-based strategies at the following levels: State Level (Especially development of HIV and AIDS Strategies popularly known as NSFs), Organisational Levels (mainly for CSOs). PMS is a trailblazer in providing the whole menu of Result Based Management (RBM) strategic planning, which include the strategic frameworks, costed implementation (action) plans, and as needed, the Monitoring and Evaluation Log Frame. As a strategist, PMS also develops concept notes for organisations in need of the services. The Planning processes enable the formulation of a comprehensive route for resource mobilisation, effective and innovative implementation and a platform for simple monitoring and evaluation. Primson is a global good practice in the development of indicative costed Action Plans after the formulation of hybrid strategic frameworks. The firm was an invited speaker on costed action plans at a global web conference (Webinnar) facilitated by the United Nations (UN).
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